21st Century Game Design Printed
August 29, 2005
According to Jenifer at Charles River Media, the book has finally been printed - and she says it looks really nice! Hopefully the merger with Delmar won't delay us getting our copies for too long.
Richard and I are off to London this week for Games Market Europe (the post apocalyptic version of ECTS)... our mission: to tempt publishers into publishing our "verb games" by offering them a business model they can't refuse. It's an interesting situation: can we make simple, fun and unique games with an artistic bent in a commercial context simply by playing the game of business well?
Also on the agenda, more IGDA events than you can shake a stick at (and I am quite an advanced stick-shaker) including a Chapter Co-ordinator's lunch, another Game Writers SIG gathering and a members only party when it's all over.
No idea if I'll be blogging while away, so enjoy the silence!
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