The Role of Extras

Spring Festivals

Living in the UK, most of the spring festivals don't feel much like spring. The Chinese new year (also known as the Spring Festival) occurs in our freezing cold winter, Hindu spring festivals such as Holi, Navroze and Bihu are over by April (when it is still generally a bit cold and wet), and the Christian festival of spring (Easter), while slightly later, is still not late enough to guarantee good weather.

I like to celebrate spring with a barbeque, and that requires warmth and sunlight. Today is the spring festival I choose to celebrate; in parts of the Americas it is El Cinco de Mayo (a victory memorial, not a spring festival per se), to some Discordians today is Havvoth Nar (a spring new year celebration), in Thailand it is Coronation Day, to Wiccans and other pagans, today is Beltane (although often celebrated on May 1st). Whatever the reason, today is a great day to celebrate the spring in a temperate climate country that borders on the arctic!

Happy spring everyone!


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Well I don't mean to brag, but here in central Illinois, in the midwestern US I took a long walk around town with a warm gentle breeze, and it's already to the point that sun only really fades well after 8:00. I've been walking more lately and I hope I keep it up, the weather's been beautiful. Happy spring, and hope that barbecue pans out! :)

Turns out that May 5th is also Buddha's Birthday in Korea and some other countries (the date of this festival varies significantly from country to country), Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day) in the Netherlands and Children's Day in Japan. Popular day for a festival, it seems! :)

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