The Joy of Ilinx
May 26, 2006
Very little has been
written about the ilinx (vertigo) of videogames, despite the fact it is an
increasingly potent force in popular games. Ilinx is a pattern of play
(identified by the noted sociologist Roger Caillois) associated with the
momentary destruction of perception. It can be the vertigo of speed or of
spinning, or it can be the intoxicating allure of petty destruction - of
stomping on a sandcastle, for instance. As the graphical realism of videogames has increased, the potential for supplying the play of ilinx has similarly expanded.
Caillois identified four cross-cultural patterns of play in his 1958
book Les Jeux et Les Hommes (Man, Play and Games). He described ilinx
as follows:
The last kind of game includes those which are based on the pursuit of vertigo
and which consist of an attempt to momentarily destroy the stability of
perception and inflict a kind of voluptuous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind.
In all cases, it is a question of surrendering to a kind of spasm, seizure, or
shock which destroys reality with sovereign brusqueness.
disturbance that provokes vertigo is commonly sought for its own sake.
In early videogames, the
graphical power was extremely limited, and it is arguably only recently that we
have fully begun to explore the powerful effect of ilinx on players. It can be
seen most clearly in any games with the illusion of speed, such as high speed
racers like Need For Speed or Burnout, and also in snowboarding
games such as 1080 and SSX. In these games, the sensation of high
speed movement (which is often enhanced by special effects such as ‘speed
haze’) serves to heighten the players enjoyment by artificially inducing a
state of vertigo.
Of course, the vertigo we
speak of here is not the nausea-inducing kind referred to in medical circles,
but rather a vertiginous experience. A rollercoaster produces physical
vertigo, but a video of a rollercoaster still produces a certain sensation akin
to vertigo provided the viewer suspends their disbelief. Perhaps the clearest
indication of this is the power of a car chase when seen on a cinema screen –
we become swept away in the speed of the imagery. Physical vertigo is included
in Caillois’ category of ilinx, but it can be extended to cover many peripheral
situations, and it is these fringe cases that are perhaps most pertinent to
The videogames industry
cannot deliver ilinx independently. Even a ride simulator which invokes vertigo
is still drawing upon mimicry to achieve this affect. Ilinx, therefore, can
best be understood in the context of videogames as an experience enhancer.
Because mimicry is implicitly required for ilinx to function, it may be prudent
to consider which of these two patterns of play is paramount for any given
play: in a game such as Gran Turismo which identifies itself as ‘the
real driving simulator’, authentic mimicry is given more weight than ilinx,
whereas in a game such as Burnout, the ilinx of high speed movement is arguably
more important than the simulation implied by mimicry. This can be considered a
case of ilinx enhancing mimicry.
Ilinx can also be used to
enhance agon (games of competition), although this is somewhat rarer as most
games (Space Harrier not withstanding) can only achieve vertigo through
mimicry; the game must simulate moving at high speed to induce vertigo states. Games
which appear to use ilinx to enhance agon include the F-Zero games; the
satisfaction (fiero) of winning a race in F-Zero is surely enhanced by
the mad breakneck speed dash for the finish line - a few seconds of total
consciousness destroying vertigo, followed by victory. It adds a degree of
excitement to the experience, which heightens the eventual reward. Similarly, a
game like 1080 Avalanche uses its ilinx to enhance the eventual payoff
of victory: in the final avalanche levels, where the player is asked to escape
from a rapidly looming wall of snow, the sense of vertigo achieved is almost
palpable, and makes the eventual victory seem all the more sweet.
However, this is only part
of the full scope of ilinx. Returning to Caillois' description of ilinx:
parallel fashion, there is a vertigo of moral order, a transport that suddenly
seizes the individual. This vertigo is readily linked to the desire for
disorder and destruction, a drive which is normally repressed... In adults,
nothing is more revealing of vertigo than the strange excitement that is felt
in cutting down the tall prairie flowers with a switch, or in creating an
avalanche of the snow on a rooftop, or, better, the intoxication that is
experienced in military barracks - for example, in noisily banging garbage
This aspect, which might be
called destructive ilinx, correlates with the reckless abandon that is
allowed by a game such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and its many
relatives. I content that one of the reasons the recent Grand Theft Auto
games are so successful at tapping into this side of ilinx is that they are not
wholly realistic... The tone of the games is realistic in a certain sense, and
certainly they are drawing upon mimicry, but there is an unreal quality. This
is expressed in part by the shrewd choice of a non-photorealistic art style,
and also by the presence of ‘game-like’ elements in the game world, such as
“power up” tokens. This is real, but it is also a game. That empowers the
player to, for instance, go on a murderous killing rampage, and laugh as
they do it. I do not believe there is anything morally wrong with this, and
the unreal quality of the game facilitates this freedom to misbehave.
For instance, there is
something inherently pleasing about having C.J. (the protagonist in San
Andreas) parachute out of an airliner, touch down in front of his family
home, mow someone down with a chainsaw, and then opting to stand there and
watch the neighbours pass by and make comments about what just happened as if
it was the most natural event imaginable. This is not an appeal to realism (a
mimicry experience), but as a destructive ilinx experience – as is smashing up
every piece of architecture in Blast Corps, Mercenaries, Rygar:
the Legendary Adventure or Otogi: Myth of Demons, and perhaps even
going on a tree-chopping rampage in Animal Crossing.
Part of the success of the
recent Grand Theft Auto games is that they cast their net wide (a
product of their not inconsiderable budget, in part, but also the sign of a
team who work well together). For instance, these games deliver agon, mimicry,
ilinx and even alea (gambling, discovery et al). The contribution of the ilinx
elements of these games should not be underestimated, however: when a game can
make a person laugh dynamically (that is, without a narrative set piece) it is
tapping into something deeply human. The “game realism” (versus absolute realism)
constantly tells the player “this is only a game, follow your impulses”... it
allows for a guilt free release of destructive ilinx. This can be understood in
terms of Huizinga’s
It should also be noted
that you don't need to be violent to appeal to destructive ilinx. The Katamari
Damacy games are built upon the ilinx of rolling things up – you are “destroying”
the environment, but not in an overtly violent fashion. Some adults scream when
you pick them up, but most children laugh – it's good natured chaos, not bloody
carnage, and as the tiny narrative elements underline, no-one gets hurt. And
again, it can make you laugh, especially when you pick up (say) your first cat,
or you become big enough for people to run away from you.
The presumption that agon
(competition) is the central element of value in videogames places limits on
what should be a limitless endeavour: the creation of new play. There will
always be a place for games that prioritise agonistic concerns, but it is
important to understand that there are more ways to engage a player than by
competitive urges alone, and one of those ways is to tap into the creative
destruction of ilinx.
The joy of ilinx is reckless abandon... it can be the vertigo of speed, or of wanton destruction; it need not be violent, but it is always irrepressible - the temporary abolishment of conscious thought. And video games are a wonderful place to explore this category of play, since one can surrender to ilinx in a game, and nobody gets hurt. Well, at the very least, nobody real. I believe we will see more and more ilinx in videogames over the coming years as we continue to explore the limitless domain of play.
The opening image is Vertigo; a watercolour painting. I do not know the name of the artist, but I found it here. As ever, no copyright infringement is implied, and I will take it down if asked.
Jack: Very sorry you weren't able to comment on this revised version. I finished editing this revision yesterday, but I had to post it temporarily to check the formatting was correct. I then unpublished it, so that yesterday's post would be the lead article. But, alas, I couldn't stop it going out to the RSS feed, which is presumably where you saw it.
Anyone wanting to see Jack's comment can look at the end of the comments here:
I personally think the failure of the Getaway games to sell more than the marketing spend indicated is a clear indicator that the gaming audience does not have a huge appetite for realistic violence. There is a market for games like that, but it's a smaller share.
The wider the gaming audience becomes, the more balanced its tastes becomes. For this, I am personally most thankful.
Posted by: Chris | May 26, 2006 at 07:30 AM
I’m genuinely surprised that I haven’t seen more posts on this subject of ilinx. I was appreciate of the fact that you defined and explained destructive ilinx in contrast to the "joy" that is possible.
Posted by: thebizofknowledge | August 30, 2006 at 04:46 PM
Thanks for the comment 'biz'! Although Caillois always gets a polite nod from game academics, I seem to be the only writer to have taken an especial interest in applying his work to modern games.
Posted by: Chris | August 30, 2006 at 06:35 PM
I think your suggestion of 'destructive Ilinx' somewhat misses the point that Caillois is making. By way of example, I would ask what kind of Ilinx could be presented as 'non-destructive?' That is to say, the mark of all games of Ilinx for Caillois is their capacity to disrupt normal perception (of reality), and thus Ilinx is universally destructive (toward one's sense of reality).
And here I think is another point that is somewhat blurred in this entry- that Ilinx cannot be recognized solely by the appearance of destruction, (I.e. GTA or Katamari) but rather always begins with the destruction of appearances- the falling away of the normal coordinates of reality.
Posted by: eben | May 18, 2009 at 10:10 AM
eben: I agree that ilinx is about disrupting consciousness for Caillois, but as far as I'm concerned stomping a sandcastle is "destructive" while spinning around to get dizzy is "non-destructive". Do you not see an easy distinction here?
So while I agree with your claim, I disagree with your conclusion - destructive ilinx denotes a distinct category of activities in the context of play.
Now you could argue that we don't *need* this distinction, but not that there is no distinction to be made. :)
Thanks for commenting!
Posted by: Chris | May 19, 2009 at 05:38 PM
now, in 2017, 11 years after this article, we have GTA V, and in 4k, that actual delivery us an quasi-absolute realism. Man, i'am making 60 pages thesis for my social communication degree, about in-game advertisings, and i found about roger caillois and his games classifications. It is so amazing. And i was trying to find a pure ilinx electronic game on google, but i was unable to find. and there is too few articles about ilinx in video games. your text is superb and very deep
Posted by: Marcos Davi Gonçalves de Oliveira | May 28, 2017 at 08:15 PM
Hey Marcos,
These Caillois pieces have weathered rather well, I think. I've written about his work from three completely different perspectives now (observational, neurobiological, and historical/genealogical) and I still don't feel like I've exhausted his work. I should like at some point to explore the overlooked detail that he felt that there was something corrupt in combining certain combinations of his patterns (which, incidentally, videogames absolutely did almost from the beginning), but I've yet to find the right space for it.
Thanks for your comment! And best of luck with the thesis.
Posted by: Chris | May 30, 2017 at 04:28 PM
Who is the author of this article , I need to cite this.
Posted by: Masked Sapient | May 10, 2022 at 11:32 AM
Hey Masked Sapient,
You can cite as:
Bateman, Chris (2006). "The Joy of Ilinx" [Online],
Posted by: Chris | June 06, 2022 at 07:38 AM