Game Design as Travel Journalism
September 01, 2010
Cross-posted from Please leave comments on the other site –thank you!
Indie game developer and critic Jordan Magnuson, creator of the startlingly effective minimalist artlet Freedom Bridge, has an insane vision of travelling the world and sharing his experiences via creating games. It's quite the most insane proposal I've heard in quite a while, and thus right up my street. As he said to me:
I have plans to set out on an around-the-world trip, and document that trip through short computer games: to use computer games as a form of travel writing. I'm excited about it, because as far as I know, computer games as a medium have never been put to that kind of use.
He has created a KickStarter page and is requesting donations in order to fund his endeavour, which is described in full at He needs $5,000 pledged by Friday October 1st, and is currently about half way to his goal. Fancy sponsoring a mad project that will further blur the lines between art and games? Follow the links!