The Enemy
September 30, 2010
Naturally, cognitive biases work on these identities as much as any other belief, and Henri Tajfel has demonstrated that it takes very little impetus for people to form a group identity. Even arbitrary assignment to a group results in a sense of membership in the "in-group", and a natural rivalry with an "out-group". When an out-group is perceived as physically or economically threatening, they become distrusted and cognitive dissonance pushes towards discrimination or persecution. They become enemies. And hostilities on one side inevitably escalate the equivalent response on the other.
Modern secular intellectuals are quick to point the finger at religion for these failings; they are sometimes slow to recognise that other institutions are just as guilty. Even science falls prey: the labels 'heretic' and 'pseudoscience' are born of the same psychological process. When anti-religious firebrands point the finger at religions for setting up in-groups and out-groups, they frequently seem to have missed the rather obvious point that they too are defining an out-group (religion) to be their hated enemy. Paradoxically, pushing against this tendency has been a key theme in all the major religions – the ethics of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad and others have stressed compassion and the unity of mankind. That attempts to institutionalise such ideas have only intensified the problem is perhaps the cruellest irony in the history of religion.
Part 18 of 23 in the Pentenary series.
Sadly, it's the tragedy of being a social species that we form social groups which our very natures makes us defend.
You're obviously not one of 'us', are you?
Posted by: Chairman Bill | October 01, 2010 at 02:09 AM
Chairman: Nothing says how small or large that social group has to be, though... Personally, I start with the planet and draw the line there. "Anything not from Earth, get off our planet now!" :)
Actually, I think I'd be quite open to most aliens too. Perhaps I'll just put Cthonians, Star Spawn, Hounds of Tindalos and other cosmic horrors into my "out group"... :D
"You're obviously not one of 'us', are you?"
Sometimes I wonder... :p
Posted by: Chris | October 01, 2010 at 11:26 AM
Hi, Chris:
May I recommend Marilynn B. Brewer, The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love or Outgroup Hate? in the Journal of Social Issues, Fall, 1999?
I believe there's not only a hint here of a non-antagonistic way of viewing differences that's of relevance to issues of war and peace (religious versions included) – but also of a non-agonistic approach to games (and hence something that might also relate to your critique of Roger Ebert).Posted by: Charles Cameron (hipbone) | October 09, 2010 at 04:26 PM
Charles: Many thanks for this citation! I'm aware of Brewer's work but I didn't know she had presented something so directly related to where I stand on this issue. I've added the paper to my wishlist - sadly, my alma mater requires me to physically go into the library to get papers, so I only go about once a quarter. But rest assured, I will be picking this up!
Thanks again!
Posted by: Chris | October 12, 2010 at 07:48 AM