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1,000th Post!

1000Counter It is with great pleasure that I announce that Only a Game has reached its one thousandth post! What a lot of nonsense there's been over the years... and no doubt  more to come in the years ahead.

As usual, the blog will be 'closed' for the Wheel of Fortune festival in November, but I'll be back in December to celebrate the Winter Festival with my usual ramblings. Go ahead and leave comments; I'll be checking the blogs for the next week or so, and even after that I'll get to the comments as soon as I return. (Also, feel free to re-open old topics if they interest you).

Finally, as a glimpse into the future, I have a whole host of new themes to explore next year as I set off into the uncharted waters of philosophy of fiction, look at souls in science fiction, ponder the ethics of science fiction and fantasy, and further examine the role of fiction in games. I hope you'll come along for the ride.

Addendum: Please note that I have changed the settings so that commenters are now required to sign in, because the volume of spam had become  intolerable. My apologies for any inconvenience.

Back soon!


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