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Faith, Unfaith and Nonfaith

Family Level Up! New Baby Unlocked

14Weeks My wife and I have finally collected enough experience points to add a new member to the party; the upgrade should be complete sometime around 31st January 2011. The new kid (a boy, if the sonographer is correct) is already practicing his martial arts by kicking the hell out of my wife's belly from the inside. It will be our first, or at least our first human child, since we adopted a black Labrador puppy a year and a half ago who is already a beloved member of the party. I vouch not to deluge the Game with endless photos of the wrinkly newcomer (pictured left at minus 26 weeks old), on the basis that all newborn babies are indescribably ugly except to their parents. (Although at least one image, perhaps, may be unavoidable).

Wish us luck –we're going to need it!

PS: We tried to tell you and your lovely wife face to face, Peter, but alas you were consistently unavailable!


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Babies are God's best invention!
It's a whole new game now :)


Hooray! Congratulations, Chris!


Best of luck and best wishes to all of you; may everything go smoothly from here, including your adjustment to having a new family member. Just remember that you're both well qualified for coping with a new child: all of your ancestors survived, after all!

Our apologies for being consistently unavailable - life got a little busy with gigs! It's now quietening down before Christmas if you fancy meeting up.

- Peter

Thanks for the gratulations everyone! It's a dizzying experience, somewhat overshadowed right now by our boiler packing up leaving us without heating or hot water for five days now... hopefully should be fixed tomorrow.

Peter: A's too pregnant to travel, so we've already has a "pre-Swik" with my family on the Isle of Wight in November. We'll be around for the whole of the Winter Festival as a result, but we also have my father-in-law visiting next week so we won't be free until around the 25th. Would be great to see you guys if we can work out the details. *waves*

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