Edinburgh Interactive 2012
The Strange Escapism in Evolutionary Explanations

Exposing the Mythologies of Evolution

Zero Books asked me to write a short piece for their blog, promoting my next book The Mythology of Evolution. Here’s an extract:

Writing The Mythology of Evolution was a fascinating journey for me – one that involved a great deal of research into the state of the subject, and which revealed a much less tidy picture than the ones that are usually offered. Talking about “the theory of evolution” – or even “Darwin’s theory of evolution” turns out to be misrepresent the facts. While evolutionary theories are an important part of contemporary biological sciences, there is not so much a single theory as a cluster of research areas descended from Darwin’s hugely influential image of ‘natural selection’. Metaphors such as these are absolutely crucial to scientific practice – which means that science, like art, is founded ultimately upon our powers of imagination.

You can read the whole of Exposing the Mythologies of Evolution over at the Zero Books blog.


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Is there a date when the book will be released yet?

Yes, the publication date is Friday 28th September - although this particular publisher occasionally runs early, so I'd expect it could be available from early September, depending on how busy the printers are. It went to the printers today, so it should be on sale in six weeks!

Thanks for taking an interest!

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