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April 2014

Write Me A Blog Letter!

Question_mark_1What would you like to talk to me about?

As regular players will have noticed, I’m writing blog-letters this year as part of the Republic of Bloggers. But if you have a blog you are part of the Republic too – and I’d love to hear from you! This is especially true if you have ever posted a comment on Only a Game.

So don’t wait for me to get around to writing to you, take your imaginary pen in your virtual hand and write me a blog-letter! I will reply as soon as I can.

Sunset - a new Tale of Tales

Sunset I was just bemoaning my total lack of interest (as a player) in the big releases this month, when suddenly my secret wish was granted… I’m delighted to share the announcement of a new Tale of Tales project, Sunset:

Sunset is a first­-person exploration of a single penthouse apartment in a fictional tropical republic suffering under an oppressive regime. Set in the early 1970’s, the player, a housekeeper, visits week­ by­ week and slowly discovers the role of the apartment’s eccentric occupant in the civil war — and her own role in his life — as the city erupts around them.

Check out the Sunset website!

Cross-posted from

Games Are Not Shoes

Over on and on, my counter-argument to Nicholas Lovell’s claims that the pricing of PC games will trend towards zero. Here’s an extract:

What a AAA fixed price game can deliver to players is (potentially, at least) a substantially deeper game experience than is possible in free-to-play, where getting a minimum viable product to market is a near-requirement, preventing the inclusion of more advanced features of the game world. If something like Grand Theft Auto IV or Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag had been financed on a free-to-play model, they would have been impossible – only the economics of fixed price premium console games justifies the astronomical development budgets. This isn’t even an exceptional case: look at cinema. Digital distribution has reduced the marginal cost in the film industry in just the same way as it has in games, but people still go to the movies and pay a fixed price to do so. This is because blockbuster movies – just like blockbuster games – are made on a high budget in order to ensure that cachet attaches to the resulting brand.

You’re welcome to comment in either place – it’s likely to be a noisy discussion on the Gamesbrief site, but a more quiet, intimate affair on I should think.

Chaos Ethics in Production

Well, it's done: Chaos Ethics is uploaded to the publisher website! I’m just waiting for final word from Mike Moorcock, then I’ll give them the authorisation to begin production. It’s been a long road – this book really didn’t want me to finish it! – but I’m pleased with how this turned out. My first book of moral philosophy is finally on the home stretch…