
Last Orders

Last OrdersWe're in the final week of April - but you still have time to submit a piece for the A Hundred Cyborgs special All Comers April event. All you have to do is let me know that you want to do it, and write a piece reflecting upon technology in 500 words or less (which admittedly is harder than it sounds, but it's also easier than you fear it is!).

Not read The Virtuous Cyborg? You don't need to have read it to take part. (Although if you haven't, maybe you should take a look...?)

Not a philosopher? Neither is anyone who has submitted this month. Not to mention everyone does philosophy... it's merely a name we give to our toolset for thinking, and our philosophical tools are embedded into the sciences, journalism, ethics, criticism, and so much more besides. If you can think, you can do philosophy, and if you're reading this it's a safe bet you can think.

Afraid of 'performing' in public? If you ever use social media, you're already performing, and the endless scroll of the internet washes it all away before anyone notices. It's normal to be nervous about putting yourself out there - but really, we should be afraid of never putting ourselves out there, as a life hiding in the shadows is no life at all.

Want to submit a piece? Message me at @SpiralChris on Twitter, or use the contact email at ihobo.com. Everyone's welcome, and all topics are fair game as long as it has a title that doesn't match the others and is about an object, a thing (even a name you invent for something) - see the full list of cyborgs for everything so far.

Go on - share your thoughts on technology with us! We'd love to know what you think.

The final pieces will run into early May, if necessary. Then, after a short break, we'll move into the endgame.


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