June Speaking Gigs
Nineteen Today!

Café Américain: Information Is Not Truth

I'm back in Café Américain this week with an essay entitled "Information Is Not Truth". Here’s an extract:

If we reduce “truth” to mere factual statements, we eliminate not only any hope of touching upon the profound truths that lie at the heart of arts and philosophies, but also the sense of truth that each of us can express through our discourse. That we must try to discover the worthwhile truths was once the central tenet of the sciences, and perhaps the very reason that religion came to be viewed as their opponent, since truth within Christian traditions was supposedly 'revealed'. Truth is not information in any substantial sense, for while informational statements may be factually true, and may provide evidence for or against some truth, information itself is merely data until it is transformed by human practice into reality. 

You can read the whole thing over at Café Américain.


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