Manifesto for Eternal Commons
Café Américain: Information Is Not Truth

June Speaking Gigs

If you happen to be in the UK, I have two speaking gigs in June, as follows:

  • The New Normal (Café Américain Launch Event)
    Friday 21st June 2024 at Verdurin, 2 Clunbury Street, London N1 6TT
    A panel discussion about censorship, in which I rather expect to be the most left-leaning of the panellists! Should be a good discussion.

  • “Adventures in Moral Horror”
    Philosophy in Pubs National Annual Conference
    Saturday 29th June 2024, 2-5 pm, Empire Room, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool
    An afternoon of drinks and philosophy! I am thrilled to return to the Philosophy in Pubs annual conference, which is always a pleasure, and this year I’ve geared my topic expressly to foster interesting conversations at the tables.

I note that, despite now living in the United States, I have still not been invited to talk about philosophy here, except the aesthetics of videogames (I did a university tour, “The Meaning of Play”, back in 2017). If you would like to invite me to something, I’m always in favour of talking! I’ve given talks and keynotes on four continents, and would be especially thrilled to give a talk in Antarctica, if any penguins are listening...


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