A little surprised and shocked to report that our release date has completely crept up on us: Silk will officially launch on Switch and Steam Friday 11th October at 2 pm UK time. That's just two days from this post! I've been so busy testing the v1.5 release candidates for Steam that I haven't had time to stop and compose a devblog update mentioning the launch...
If you are a backer at the Digital Game Bundle tier or above, you should have received a survey from Kickstarter asking you to confirm which Digital Key you want to claim... those of you who have already responded and asked for a Switch key should get your code on the launch day (probably just a little after the launch time), provided Nintendo release the codes to us in time. Anyone who hasn't responded yet still has a chance to get in this first batch of Switch keys if you complete the survey at least twenty four hours before launch (and if not, you'll still get your key, you just might have to wait a little longer).
T-minus 48 hours to Silk launch!